FluentCommunity allows you to set whether your Spaces will be Public/Private/Secret for the members. This article covers the detailed process of setting the Privacy for Spaces.
Setup Privacy in Spaces #
First, go to the Spaces section from the FluentCommunity navbar and open a Desired Space by clicking the tab where you want to set the privacy.
Or, you can create a new space by clicking the New Space button in the top right corner.
To learn the detailed process of creating a New Space, read this Documentation.
Go to the Space Settings option by clicking the three-dot button in the top right corner.
Now, click the Dropdown Arrow of the Privacy option under the General Settings.
From the dropdown list, you will get three options to set the Privacy. These are:
- Public
- Private
- Secret
A detailed explanation of the privacy options mentioned above is given below –
Public #
If you select this option, anyone can view the posts of space without joining, but only members can create posts.
Private #
Selecting this option allows anyone to view the basic info of the space, but only members approved and joined by Admin can create and see posts.
Lock Screen Type #
You can also select the type of how you want to display your lock screen to your users for Private Spaces.
For the lock screen, you will get two options. These are:
- Default: Select this option if you want to display the FluentCommunity’s Default Lock Screen for your Course.
Allow users to request to join this Space: Check this option if you want users to have the option of sending join requests to the Admin. Otherwise, the Admin needs to join the members manually to a Private Space.
- Custom: You can also create a Customized Lock Screen by selecting this option. To get all the customization options, open the Lock Screen tab from the top menu.
Lock Screen Customization #
Here, you can see all the customization options in the left sidebar under Page Blocks to customize the Banner, Description, and Call to action. These are:
- Edit: Click the Pencil Icon of the desired block you want to edit.
- Disable: Click this Eye Icon of the desired block you don’t want to show on your lock screen.
- Move: Click the Up-Down Arrows of the desired block you want to move up and down.
For instance, I edited the Banner block to show you the customization process.
Once you click the Edit Icon, the Content tab will open to edit the content displayed on your lock screen. The customization options of Content are briefly explained below:
a) Heading: From here you can change the heading text.
b) Description: From here you can change the description text. You can also add the detailed description text below the banner by clicking the Description Text button.
c) Button Label: From here you can change the name of your button.
d) Button Link: Here, you can add the desired URL where you want to redirect your members after clicking the Button.
To customize the layout of the Lock Screen, open the Design tab. The customization options of Design are briefly explained below:
a) Background Image: With this option, you can add images in the background of your banner by clicking the Upload Image button.
b) Overlay Color: With this option, you can add an overlay color to the Background Image.
c) Heading Color: With this option, you can change the text color of the Heading.
d) Text Color: With this option, you can change the text color of the Description right below the Heading.
e) Button Label: With this option, you can change the text color of the Button.
f) Button Background: With this option, you can change the background color of the Button.
Once you complete the customization, click the Save Changes & Close button to save all your changes.
Secret #
If you select this option, the space will be locked for everyone. Only invited members can view and create posts in the space.
After selecting your desired Privacy option for the Space, don’t forget to click the Save Changes button to save all your changes.
If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team.